The Catenians are an association of Catholic laymen who are committed to their Faith, their families, to those in need and to each other. Our primary purpose is to establish a network of friends, which enhances their family life, strengthens their Faith and sustains them in difficult times. We support each other, the Catholic Church, young people and those in need.
Our friendships are developed through meeting together locally once a month and enjoying a varied programme of social events together with our families and the widows of members.
Friendship in faith
Catenians strive to love their neighbour as themselves. Each member becomes part of an extended family aiming to:
- Be there for each other and our families
- Support each other during good times and bad
- Forge lasting friendships
- Provide all possible support for our members,
their families and widows in difficulty or need
Getting away from it all
At a time when it’s hard to escape the pressures of modern life, the Catenians offer a solution:
a monthly get-together with friends where nothing more is asked of you than your company. We provide a place to celebrate a Christian life in a secular world. There’s the added bonus that, if you move house, or travel long distances, there’s likely to be a Circle nearby ready to welcome you.
Aims of the Association
- To foster brotherly love among our members and to develop social bonds among our members and their families
- To support one another in the practice of our Faith.
- To support and encourage Brothers, their families and widows as needs arise.
- To support Brothers in difficulty or need including maintaining and administering benevolent funds through the Catenian Association Benevolent and Children’s Fund
- To advance the interests and development of young Catholics and to assist them in the choice or pursuit of a career, including the promotion and support of the Catenian Association Bursary Fund
- To help our clergy and to encourage and support vocations to the religious life in appropriate ways.
- To support charities which the Circle, Province or Association considers are worthy and relevant.
How did we start?
The Catenians were established in Manchester in 1908 at the behest of Louis Casartelli, the then Bishop of Salford. For the first two years the Catenians were known as “The Chums Benevolent Association, and its original and essential characteristics were typical of many male societies established in the period before the First World War.
Bishop Casartelli was one of a number of Bishops who were anxious to see Catholic communities break the bonds of restricted education, low social status, and limited political power and influence. They acknowledged that the Chums, and later the Catenians, were a force for good and a vehicle for action.

The name Catenians derives from Catena, the Latin word for Chain. Each member is seen as a link upon which the strength of the whole chain depends.
The Association spread rapidly across the UK but did not become established offshore for almost 50 years. Since then development followed largely on colonial lines. Overseas growth in recent years has been rapid. We now have some 10,000 members in Africa, Australia, Bangladesh, India, Ireland, Malta and The Holy Land as well as the UK.
Want to Know More?
The Catenians are strongly represented in Preston.
At St Andrew’s and St Mary’s we are closely associated with Preston & District Circle 144 who meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month at Ashton & Lea Golf Club.
If you’d like to know more then please email catenians@standrewscottam.org.uk and we will be in touch.