Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders

On Saturday 18th September at a ceremony at Lancaster Cathedral, Mike Laking received Candidacy from Bishop Paul.

This is a significant step in Mike’s journey towards ordination to the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese.

You can find more information about the Permanent Diaconate on the Diocesan website here.

Alongside Mike, three other gentlemen were admitted, David Greaves, David Pope & John Chantry.

The parish prays for Mike and his family alongside David, David & John and their families as they embark on this journey together.

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference maintain a comprehensive site covering the many aspects of discernment and religious life. You can find more information here.

Prayer for Vocations

Blessed St Joseph,

You listened in the depth of your heart to the call of God for you
to participate in his plan for the salvation of the world,
you responded with faith to that invitation.

Help me listen for the call of God in my life,
help me understand what the Holy Spirit is asking of me,
and help me be open to follow that invitation,
with courage and a trusting heart.

May your fatherly hand guide me and keep me safe.
Through Christ our Lord.
