Metanoia Project – Bible Basics

Bible Basics

The next in the series of talks from the Metanoia Project starts on Thursday 2nd May.


A walk through the Old Testament.

A series of 6 interactive sessions looking at some of the key characters and stories of the Old Testament that help us unlock the truth of the New Testament.
Discover how the story of the people of Israel is our story, with all the joys, sorrows, triumphs and failures of our own walk with God.

Starts Thursday 2nd May 7.30-9.30pm in St Wilfrid’s Parish Centre.

The 6 sessions are:

1) The Bible: Who wrote it, in what style and how it was put together

2) The Promise: Genesis and the Patriarchs

3) Set Apart: Egypt, Exodus and the Promised Land

4) Rise…: Tribal homes, King David and the other kings

5) …and Fall: Exile, the Prophets and waiting for liberation

6) Wisdom: Poems, Psalms and Proverbs